Daily and Weekly Schedule



Veterinary medicine camp schedule by day and by week 

Vet teacher with dog and students
VetSummer - Veterinary Medicine Camp
Veterinary Medicine camp students circling a dog


8 – 9am:  Breakfast and get to class (Day students / commuters arrive 8:45am)

9am – 12p:  Class:  In-class learning featuring direct hands-on academic modules with no quizzes or tests (May include in-class visits from speakers, veterinarians who bring animals and speak including Q+A and hands-on examination and discussion of anatomy, identification of systems, common diseases, treatments and much more.  See field trips for more.). Commuter / Day students arrive by 9am; depart by 5pm, only lunch is included

12p – 1p: Lunch Break

1p – 4p: Class:  In-class learning.  (May feature off-campus field trips, both offer hands-on learning, feeding and care of many animals, and a visit to a vet hospital to meet and tour, see field trips for more). Our veterinary medicine camp is awesome.

4p – 5p:   Organized out door activities, games, or relax.  Commuters leave

5p – 6p: Break, enjoy the residence hall or continue sports, fun

6p – 7p:  Dinner

7p – 10p: Curated events and social activities in residence hall and campus facilities.


Monday and Wednesday:  Classroom based learning in our proprietary curriculum

Tuesday and Thursday:  Off – campus Field Trips

One half-to-full day trip to a venue like the Greenburgh Nature Center, Animal rescue Center, a Veterinarian Office or other destination location to meet animals and professionals.

Friday:  Last day wrap – up,  project, acknowledgements


 Residential students:

Evenings: After dinner, enjoy the amenities of campus.  May include off-campus, supervised excursions.

7p – 9p: Organized curated activities:  movie night, game night, Olympics, toss Frisbee in the quad, visit and explore the Student Center, and much much more!

9p – 11p: Chill out in the dorm recreational and social spaces, listen to music, spend time with all your new friends (often the surveys say this is the favorite part of camp!)

(all schedules and plans subject to change without notice due to weather and other situations, any changed trip will be re-scheduled and the week adjusted if possible)


Our Veterinary Medicine camp is designed to give students an opportunity to learn all about the world of animals and their care.  We combine classroom-based academics with hands-on lessons, labs and more.  We really get in there and go for it!   For future animal lovers, veterinarians… a lot of the basic biology we are learning applies across a host of academic disciplines later in life, and college majors.  Plus, learning on a college campus is just cool.  Like literally the most fun ever.

Veterinary medicine camp students using microscopes.
Veterinary medicine camp boys in lab.
Veterinary medicine camp student with microsope cute.

FIELD TRIPS: Veterinary medicine camp

Our in-class studies are augmented by trips into the field to meet with humans who work with animals and to see them in action. Students will see what a Veterinary Science career looks like firsthand.

Rabbit Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary medicine summer camp and veterinary medicine schools microscopes
Veterinary medicine schools student using a microscope.