Become A Vet… Or Just Learn More

VeSummer is great for those who are interested in how to become a vet

vet tech student at zoo - Become A Vet

Some of our students are certain they want to become a vet. Others attend simply because they love animals, and their pet, and they want to know more.

For those who are interested in how to become a vet: we have created a condensed version of what it takes to become a veterinarian or vet tech, so we can provide you with clear, focused, detailed information to consider.
Become A Vet
High School

During High School - On A Track To Become A Vet

By now you have discovered your love for animals.  And you may even be considering becoming a vet or vet tech.   If you are, then find out if there is a high school vet science program in your school.  If so…  do that! You’ll also want to be taking science courses in general in high school if you want to become a veterinarian: particularly biology and chemistry. And if your high school offers AP Bio, do your best to take that course and score a 4 or 5 on the AP test if you can. This is the first step on your road to become a vet, or become a vet tech.

Meanwhile, you should start doing research on colleges. You’ll want to create what that looks like for you, and for your family. Important aspects to consider when picking a college as a high school vet science student who wants to become a vet are: cost/finances, location, size, type of school, and much more. There are some great colleges out there, for almost everyone. You can find just the right fit!

Raise hand - Become A Vet


You should pack your application, and life, with real-world experience that distinguishes and advances your studies and the depth of your knowledge. If you can, attend a vet science summer program like VetSummer so you can actually do hands-on work where you learn real skills and you see what it takes to become a vet, or to become a vet tech, and what that job is actually like. Other extra-curricular activities that can make a real difference for you, and the world, are volunteering or working in the field. Can you swing some time in a shelter or other animal-related institution in your area? Do some research! Call them! When there is a will there is a way!

College icon - become A Vet

During College

You’re out to get a degree in a life science as you head on your way to a D.V.M. (a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine). The degree will prepare for entering veterinary school. And again, use this time as an opportunity to volunteer or work at a place like a stable, animal shelter, or other animal-related spot. Get experience. See how it works. Then, apply to grad school that offer a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine.

Become A Vet icon

During your 4-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program:

There are over 30 schools that are accredited to offer this degree. Pick the one that works for you! By this time you’ll start picking your specialty, the area you’ll want to work in. And continue to get real-world experience in that. And then… go off and work in the field! Make a difference!


For those who are attending VetSummer and do not plan on becoming a vet:

Awesome. This course is designed for anyone who loves animals! You do not need to want to be a veterinarian to attend! Maybe you have a pet you love and you want to know much more. Maybe you have more than one pet! We have found that our students have a love and connection to animals that really transcends even language. If you know what we mean… you’ll get it. And if you get it… you should register for our program as soon as possible! Our vet science summer camp is amazing!

Veterinary medicine summer camp and veterinary medicine schools microscopes
Veterinary medicine schools student using a microscope.